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On-Base Percentage Calculator

How to Calculate On-Base Percentage

On-Base Percentage is a more complicated calculation than Batting Average because it takes into account plate appearances which do not meet the definition of an At-Bat.

On-Base Percentage Formula

On-Base Percentage Formula

What does On-Base Percentage tell us?

On-Base Percentage (OBP) measures how frequently a batter reaches base. OBP includes hits, walks, and hit by pitch. OBP excludes errors, fielder's choice, and dropped third strike. Many people consider OBP a more important and accurate measure of batter effectiveness than batting average.

Is On-Base Percentage Better than Batting Average?

Many players and coaches find On-Base Percentage more useful than Batting Average because they care more about whether the batter reached based than how they reached base. The book and movie Moneyball elevated awareness around On-Base Percentage as a metric and today in most Major League Stadiums, the scoreboard will show the batter’s On-Base Percentage in addition to Batting Average.

On-Base Percentage in Mashlytics

OBP is shown on the Home screen and under Stats. In the Stats section, you can see a detailed view of On-Base Percentage including a graph of OBP over time.