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Slugging Percentage Calculator

How to Calculate Slugging Percentage

Slugging Percentage is calculated by taking the Total Bases and dividing it by At-Bats:

Slugging Percentage Formula

Slugging Percentage Formula

Slugging Percentage Expanded Formula

If you do not know your Total Bases calculation, use the formula below to calculate your Slugging Percentage:

Slugging Percentage Expanded Formula

What does Slugging Percentage tell us?

Slugging Percentage (SLG) measures a player's ability to hit for power. Unlike batting average which considers all hits equal, slugging percentage recognizes that doubles are better than singles, triples better than doubles, and home runs better than all other hits.

Slugging Percentage in Mashlytics

Slugging Percentage is shown on the Home screen and under Stats. In the Stats section, you can see a detailed view of Slugging Percentage including a graph of SLG over time.